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แบบฝึกหัดคำศัพท์ Academic Word List: Sublist 6

Writer's picture: Eng for EduEng for Edu

Updated: May 14, 2023

คอร์สเรียนวีดีโอราคาประหยัด โดยศิษย์เก่าวิทยาลัยนานาชาติมหิดล ตัวจริงเรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ เก่งขึ้นอย่างเร่งรัด เห็นผล มีเทคนิคเด็ด พร้อมเก็งข้อสอบให้พร้อม ประหยัดเวลาฝึกเอง ติดต่อเราคลิ๊กปุ่มด้านล่างได้เลย

Sublist 6a: Words 1-10

In the first exercise you check your knowledge of the words, and in the second exercise you practice usage of the words in a gap fill. These are words 1 - 10 from sublist 6:

  • Abstract

  • Accurate

  • Acknowledge

  • Aggregate

  • Allocate

  • Assign

  • Attach

  • Author

  • Bond

  • Brief

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

1. to accept or admit the truth or existence of something

2. something formed by adding together several amounts or things

3. to give a particular job or piece of work to someone

4. a close connection joining two or more people

5. the writer of a book, article, play, etc (noun) or the action of writing something (verb)

6. exact, correct, and with no mistakes

7. existing as an idea or in thought rather than having a physical or concrete existence / a discussion or argument that is general and not based on specific examples

8. to connect, join or fasten something or to feel connected emotionally to someone or thing

9. lasting only a short time or containing few words

10. to give something out as a share of a total amount, to use in a specific way

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

  • Abstract

  • Accurate

  • Acknowledge

  • Aggregate

  • Allocate

  • Assign

  • Attach

  • Author

  • Bond

  • Brief

1. I was ..... the task of collecting data on the amount of sales the new marketing campaign has generated.

2. Originally, the teacher thought the test was ok. But after finding out nearly all of the students had failed, she .... that it was too difficult and needed to be changed.

3. My son is very ... to his toy panda we gave him for christmas. He cries if he doesn’t have it.

4. The government is ... 3.5 million to the Department of Transport this year to repair highways.

5. I looked at the document very ... when I got home. I didn't have long, only one hour. It all looked ok though.

6. Although Chelsea lost the last match, they got through as they had the most goals from both matches. So they won on .... .

7. She has .... a number of academic journal papers on the topic of Endocrinology.

8. They didn’t seem to have much in common at first, but they really .... after they worked closely together on the project. Now they are good friends.

9. Beauty is a very ..... concept.

10. His prediction of who would get into the quarter finals of Wimbledon was very ...... . It turned out to be the four players that he thought it would be.

Exercise 1

1. Acknowledge
2. Aggregate
3. Assign
4. Bond
5. Author
6. Accurate
7. Abstract
8. Attach
9. Brief
10. Allocate
Exercise 2

1. assigned
2. acknowledged
3. attached
4. allocating
5. briefly
6. aggregate
7. authored
8. bonded
9. abstract
10. accurate

Academic Word List Exercises

Sublist 6b: Words 11-21

Here we move on to practice exercises for the academic word list sublist 6b

In the first exercise you check your knowledge of the words, and in the second exercise you practice usage of the words in a gap fill. These are words 11 - 20 from sublist 6:

  • Capable

  • Cite

  • Cooperate

  • Discriminate

  • Display

  • Diverse

  • Domain

  • Edit

  • Enhance

  • Estate

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

1. o refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work

2. to show / to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by other people

3. to treat somebody unfairly or unequally, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age / to be able to tell the difference

4. an area of interest or an area over which a person has control

5. to improve or make better the quality or value of something

6. everything that a person owns when they die / a large area of land in the country that is owned by an organisation or family and is often used for raising animals or growing crops

7. showing a great deal of variety; very different

8. the ability to do things skilfully and effectively, and to achieve results

9. to work or act together for a specific purpose, or to be helpful by doing what someone asks you to do

10. to make changes to a text or film in order to prepare it for being printed or shown

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

  • Capable

  • Cite

  • Cooperate

  • Discriminate

  • Display

  • Diverse

  • Domain

  • Edit

  • Enhance

  • Estate

1. His reputation was ..... considerably when he was seen to be doing so much charity work.

2. These documents are available for everyone to see. In other words, they are in the public ....... .

3. She enjoys her job as the newspaper ....... She has the final decision about which stories will run and what will be included in them.

4. According to his Will, the whole of his .... was left to his children.

5. She was not offered the job. She’s 55 and she’s thinks maybe they were ..... against her because of this.

6. He is more than ..... of passing the exam – he has excellent English skills.

7. They .... all the family photographs in the hallway of their house so everyone who visited could see them.

8. They are very proud of the cultural ..... at the university. There are people from many different ethnic backgrounds studying there.

9. She .... with the police. She told them exactly what she knew about the suspect.

10. Some of the ...... in his thesis were written incorrectly so his supervisor asked him to resubmit after making corrections.

Exercise 1

1. Cite
2. Display
3. Discriminate
4. Domain
5. Enhance
6. Estate
7. Diverse
8. Capable
9. Cooperate
10. Edit

Exercise 2

1. enhanced
2. domain
3. editor
4. estate
5. discriminating
6. capable
7. displayed
8. diversity
9. cooperated
10. citations

Sublist 6c: Words 21-30

Here we move on to practice exercises for the academic word list sublist 6c

In the first exercise you check your knowledge of the words, and in the second exercise you practice usage of the words in a gap fill. These are words 21 - 30 from sublist 6:

  • Exceed

  • Expert

  • Explicit

  • Federal

  • Fee

  • Flexible

  • Furthermore

  • Gender

  • Ignorant

  • Incentive

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

1. in addition; also

2. something used to encourage people to do something

3. lack of knowledge about something or not showing politeness or respect

4. payment made in exchange for a service or advice, or for admission to something

5. able to change easily according to the situation or something that is easy to bend

6. to go past an allowed limit, or to be greater than a number or amount

7. clear and precise

8. the state of being male or female

9. having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs

10. a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

  • Exceed

  • Expert

  • Explicit

  • Federal

  • Fee

  • Flexible

  • Furthermore

  • Gender

  • Ignorant

  • Incentive

1. Unfortunately many young people are ... about politics these days. They have little understanding of government policies even in their own countries.

2. The solicitors .... were so high that we could not afford to use the firm to help us with our case.

3. Unlike the UK, the USA has a .... system of government.

4. I think we should employ him in the company. He’s well-qualified and .... he has a lot of experience.

5. His directions were very .... – I knew exactly how to find the address.

6. He .... our expectations, achieving a much higher score than anyone thought possible.

7. Companies are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, disability, .... or religion.

8. The teacher promised the students she would end the class early as an .... to get them to work hard in class.

9. She’s a financial .... . She has a Master's from the London School of Economics and has been working in the Banking sector for more than 30 years.

10. I’m quite ...... . I could meet you in the morning or the afternoon.

Exercise 1

1. Furthermore
2. Incentive
3. Ignorant
4. Fee
5. Flexible
6. Exceed
7. Explicit
8. Gender
9. Federal
10. Expert

Exercise 2

1. ignorant
2. fees
3. federal
4. furthermore
5. explicit
6. exceeded
7. gender
8. incentive
9. expert
10. flexible

Sublist 6d: Words 31-40

Here we move on to practice exercises for the academic word list sublist 6d

In the first exercise you check your knowledge of the words, and in the second exercise you practice usage of the words in a gap fill. These are words 31 - 40 from sublist 6:

  • Incidence

  • Incorporate

  • Index

  • Inhibit

  • Initiate

  • Input

  • Instruct

  • Intelligence

  • Interval

  • Lecture

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

1. restrain, prevent or hinder / feeling self-conscious and unable to relax

2. to tell someone what to do in a formal way

3. to cause something to begin

4. something such as money, information or energy that is put into a process so that it can operate

5. include; contain or take in (something) as part of a whole

6. a period between two events or times, or the space between two points

7. an angry or serious talk given to someone in order to criticize their behaviour / an educational talk to an audience, especially to students at university

8. an event, or the rate at which something happens

9. an alphabetical list of information, such as one printed at the back of a book, on a set of cards, or on a computer

10. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

  • Incidence

  • Incorporate

  • Index

  • Inhibit

  • Initiate

  • Input

  • Instruct

  • Intelligence

  • Interval

  • Lecture

1. Most dictionaries now .... slang in their list of words.

2. The IELTS candidates were ... to open the booklet and begin the writing test.

3. His ... into the project was invaluable. It enabled it to be completed successfully and on time.

4. There has been a decreased ... of road accidents since they put traffic lights at the busy junction.

5. The violence was ... by the police, who started firing plastic bullets at the protesters.

6. It is debatable whether IQ tests are really the best way to measure ... .

7. My parents are always ... me about staying out too late at night. I wish they would let me do what I like.

8. Go to the ... and look up ‘Winston Churchill’. There is definitely a section about him.

9. She felt .... to give her opinion because there were so many people in the room.

10. The police think the .... between the time that he left the house and the time crime was committed was too short for him to have done it.

Exercise 1

1. Inhibit
2. Instruct
3. Initiate
4. Input
5. Incorporate
6. Interval
7. Lecture
8. Incidence
9. Index
10. Intelligence

Exercise 2
1. incorporate
2. instructed
3. input
4. incidence
5. initiated
6. intelligence
7. lecturing
8. index
9. inhibited
10. interval

Sublist 6e: Words 41-50

Here we move on to practice exercises for the academic word list sublist 6e

In the first exercise you check your knowledge of the words, and in the second exercise you practice usage of the words in a gap fill. These are words 41 - 50 from sublist 6:

  • Migrate

  • Minimum

  • Ministry

  • Motive

  • Neutral

  • Nevertheless

  • Overseas

  • Precede

  • Presume

  • Rational

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

1. a department of a government led by a minister

2. being impartial and not supporting or helping one particular side in an argument or disagreement

3. travelling to a new place to live there temporarily

4. the smallest or least amount possible

5. despite, in spite of

6. coming before someone or something else

7. using reason and clear thought

8. to think that something is true even though you are not certain

9. a reason for doing something

10. abroad

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

  • Migrate

  • Minimum

  • Ministry

  • Motive

  • Neutral

  • Nevertheless

  • Overseas

  • Precede

  • Presume

  • Rational

1. The most ... course of action would be to assess the pros and cons of investing in the company, and then make a decision whether to proceed or not.

2. He has been living ... for the last 7 years. I’m not sure when he’s going to come back.

3. His .... for studying IELTS is to try and immigrate to Australia for work.

4. The government has decided to introduce a .... wage from next year in order to lift people out of poverty.

5. The .... of Defence has had its budget cut this year.

6. Under British Law, a person is .... innocent until they are proven guilty.

7. I’d seen the film before but I went .... because it was worth seeing again.

8. If there is a dispute in our family I always try to remain ..... rather than getting involved.

9.George Bush .... Obama as President of the United States.

10. People ..... to the north of the country in summer in order to work in the cotton fields.

Exercise 1

1. Ministry
2. Neutral
3. Migrate
4. Minimum
5. Nevertheless
6. Precede
7. Rational
8. Presume
9. Motive
10. Overseas

Exercise 2
1. rational
2. overseas
3. motive
4. minimum
5. Ministry
6. presumed
7. nevertheless
8. neutral
9. preceded
10. migrate

Sublist 6f: Words 51-60

Here we move on to practice exercises for the academic word list sublist 6f

In the first exercise you check your knowledge of the words, and in the second exercise you practice usage of the words in a gap fill. These are words 51 - 60 from sublist 6:

  • Recover

  • Reveal

  • Scope

  • Subsidy

  • Tape

  • Trace

  • Transform

  • Transport

  • Underlie

  • Utilize

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

1. to make practical and effective use of

2. to completely change the appearance or character of someone or something, usually in a positive way

3. to find someone or something that was lost / to find the origin of something

4. the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant

5. to make something (that was previously secret or unknown) known to others

6. the movement of people or goods from one place to another or the means to move people, such as buses, trains, aircraft etc

7. to be a strong influence on or a hidden cause of something

8. form of financial or other support given to an economic sector, business, or individual

9. to get back something lost e.g. ability, health, possessions

10. a narrow strip of material, typically used to hold or fasten something

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

  • Recover

  • Reveal

  • Scope

  • Subsidy

  • Tape

  • Trace

  • Transform

  • Transport

  • Underlie

  • Utilize

1. He bought another role of sticky .... to wrap up the birthday presents.

2. Often, students don’t .... the wide range of resources available in the university library.

3. The economy is starting to .... after the terrible recession of 2008.

4. The Public Relations Department has .... the image of the company. They now have one of the best reputations in their sector.

5. The magician .... to the audience how he had done the trick. They had no idea how he had made the rabbit disappear.

6. She decided to go and see a psychiatrist so she could try and discover the .... causes of her extreme shyness.

7. The police have put up pictures around the city in order to help ..... the missing girl.

8. The government is not planning to .... farmers any longer as it is too costly.

9.Approximately 2000 tonnes of coal are ..... across the country each year.

10. Talking about the causes of global warming was beyond the .... of his lecture. He just wanted to discuss the current problems and possible solutions.

Exercise 1

1. Utilise
2. Transform
3. Trace
4. Scope
5. Reveal
6. Transport
7. Underlie
8. Subsidy
9. Recover
10. Tape
Exercise 2

1. tape
2. utilise
3. recover
4. transformed
5. revealed
6. underlying
7. trace
8. subsidise
9. transported
10. scope

คอร์สเรียนวีดีโอราคาประหยัด โดยศิษย์เก่าวิทยาลัยนานาชาติมหิดล ตัวจริงเรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ เก่งขึ้นอย่างเร่งรัด เห็นผล มีเทคนิคเด็ด พร้อมเก็งข้อสอบให้พร้อม ประหยัดเวลาฝึกเอง




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